SFI Package for PRF1

Use the SFI Scheme PRF1 to variably apply your fertiliser, & create your nutrient management plan

Complete Nutrient Management Package covered by your SFI Scheme - PRF1

For further details please contact us

P,K,Mg & pH Management

Nutrient maps clealry identifying in-field variation. Sampling conducted on a strategic 100 meter grid basis - 16 cores of soil constituting a sample - increases accuracy to 83% taking & analysing one sample from every hectare.

Sampling plan re-used four years later to form a true comparison creating a "before" and "after" indication of your nutrient management policy

The Benefits

  • Identify and target treat areas that require more / less fertiliser
  • What you save on the nutrient rich areas you invest in the low nutrien zones
  • Reduced variability gives higher consistency / uniformity
  • Reduce costs & waste

For more information click here

VR Nitrogen Management

Web driven service providing the opportunity to control your variable application of Nitrogen fertilsier reducing excess applications and saving costs

Easy to follow process;

  • Work out your total N application - SNS
  • Acquire the satellit imagery
  • Choose the desired image to use
  • Create LAI (leaf area index) maps automatically
  • Enter the crop growth stage and desirted base application rate
  • Choose the desired variation aoround your base rate eg 30%
  • Create and export your application maps to the desired GPS controller
  • Can be used witj existig equipment

For more information click here

Organic Matter

For your organic matter, have this analysed at the time you have your P,K,Mg & pH sampling conduted. Agri-tech staff can incorporate the OM in with the sampling of your P.K's etc.

Using the LOI (loss of ignition) method of analysis, create a clear picture of your farm's OM status. There will be one sample per field for OM made up of the individual soil sub-samples taken for the P,K analysis.

A farm organic matter map can be created at an additional cost if so desired making viewing quick & easy. These maps can be replicated at a point in the future to create an easy to view comparison.

For more information on the ATS-PRF1 SFI package please get in touch

Other Precision Farming Services

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